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1600 scale


2 section scores: Reading/Writing and Math


4 long sections


58 math questions 


Math sections that do and don't allow calculators


Math consists of advanced algebra, interpretation of data, some geometry, and arthmetic, and some trigonometry


52 reading questions


17% vocabulary 


Graphs and charts relating to passages


Punctuation, words in context, sentence structure


Essay is NOT mandatory


Essay prompt is a short passage which the student must analyze


3 hours and 45 minutes long


Scale is out of 36


4 section scores: English, Math, Reading and Science


4 long sections


60 math questions


Math section allows calculators



Math consists of geometry, algebra, arthimetic, and trigonometry




40 reading questions


8% vocabulary


Graphs and charts only in the science section


Punctuation and sentence structure



Essay is NOT mandatory


Essay prompt is a contemporary issue with three different opinions


2 hours and 55 minutes






standardized test strategy is provided by the admissions lady
SAT and ACT tests have different timing which can affect test taking

Subject Tests are hour-long, content-based tests that allow you to showcase achievement in specific subject areas where you excel. These are the only national admission tests where you choose the tests that best showcase your achievements and interests.


  • There are 20 SAT Subject Tests

  • Key areas of the test include: English, history, languages, mathematics and science

  • Most students take the SAT for the first time during the spring of their junior year

  • Students take subjects test a second time during the fall of the senior year

TEST OPTIONAL SCHOOLS has a list of institutions that are "test optional," "test flexible" or otherwise de-emphasize the use of standardized tests by making admissions decisions about substantial numbers of applicants who recently graduated from U.S. high schools without using the SAT or ACT.

As an active member of IECA, HECA, SACAC and NACAC, Admissions Lady College Consulting subscribes to and is guided by the core values and ethical standards of these associations

Independent college counselor member of SACAC
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