Jill Mattos is an independent college consultant and owner of Admissions Lady College Consulting. Prior to launching a college admissions consulting company, Jill spent over 20 years in Corporate America leading successful marketing teams on products that ranged from syrup to toilet paper at some of the largest Fortune 500 companies in the world such as Campbell Soup, Unilever, Georgia Pacific and UPS.
After leaving Corporate America, and being a parent of high school students, Jill realized that she had a passion for helping students with the college admissions process. The college search can be overwhelming, confusing and can create a lot of stress in the household. The reality is that students today with full schedules of extracurricular activities and daily stress of high school don't always have the bandwidth to fully navigate the college process by themselves.
Jill earned a Certificate with Distinction in College Counseling from UCLA, holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Michigan and an MBA from Emory University's Goizueta School of Business Accelerated MBA program where she graduated with Honors.
Jill is member of SACAC (Southern Association of College Admissions Counseling), NACAC, and an associate member of IECA (Independent Educational Consulting Association) and HECA (Higher Education Consultants Association). She resides in Roswell, Georgia with her husband David.